Dennis Kibiwot- N.S.O Treasurer addressing the leaders.

Nandi University Students Leaders yesterday held a meeting at Bishop Muge College in Kapsabet to discuss a number of issues affecting students in Nandi county.The main issues discussed were the county bursary embezzlement and also unity of Comrades ahead of the 2022 elections.While addressing members of the press , the leaders from different Universities across the nation expressed their greatest disappointment on how bursary for needy students were being handled by the Sang administration."We have never had any issue with the NG-CDF Bursary but when it comes to county bursary we have very many complains by parents, guardians, students and bursary committees in different locations" Dennis Kibiwot from Kenyatta University said
Leaders at the Presser

."The Baraton university delegation led by there students Chairperson Dennis Kipkirui and Secretary General Daniel Makwata condemned the county government actions saying that, "We shall not be intimidated by county officials who are playing with the future of students from Nandi.Tuga Tai as a young leaders we believed that he would prioritize education because he himself is enjoying the fruits of education,but by the embezzlement carried out on bursary and frustrations meted on Comrades for trying to follow up on their fairly allocated money is an Insult to many young needy Students".Daniel Makwata said.
General Mandely addressing the leaders.

Nandi Students Organization Secretary General Fricton Mandely said that it is uncouth for the county officials to play games with students money."The slashing by half of money awarded to students with disability at the county level is an Insult ,some students are also struck off the list of beneficiaries at the county level while some have never received the money in the school accounts from as far as 2019 . Students are deferring their studies,some are also missing exams because someone at the county offices wants to feast on students money.The allocation of bursary is also not timely in accordance with university timetable, students need the fee during exam period but the county government disburses money during long holidays hence many students tend to miss exams."
N.S.O Chairperson Kigen .K. Cosmas called on the county government to take into consideration a recommendation by Students that a Revolving Fund be introduced ."This will enable many students to benefit from the county money allocated for fee as compared to Bursary , Nandi county can partner with Helb just as other counties including Kakamega , Bomet to set up this revolving fund"
The leaders said that they have given the Governor a 7 Day ultimatum to disbursed all the busary money awarded since he came to office and also ensure all students whose names were struck from the list or allocated halved get the money they were fairly awarded.Failure to which they will hold a peaceful demonstration in Kapsabet town."After 7 days if the county government does not respond to our issue ,it will be business unusual in Kapsabet town and we want to promise the Governor that it will be Messy, Noisy with lots of casualties and I don't think he wants to become a victim of Comrades Power.We are calling on all Comrades to be alert and ready when called upon.It will be a peaceful demonstration and we won't fear or relent until our issues are sorted out.We are not requesting but we are demanding"General Mandely said.
Also the students decided to form a political wing that they will use to mobilize Comrades ahead to the 2022 election, They said that students had the numbers to change the outcome of the elections and also could easily influence their friends, siblings and parents to elected leaders who will put the students and peoples interest first.The strategic meeting that took 7 hours led to the students deciding to adopt the name 'NANDI COMRADES FRONT- N.C.F ' for their upcoming movement."This time round we won't sit back and watch but we will take part in the Political process fully to ensure Nandi county get the leaders we deserve, the days of being used are over this time round Tunajipanga to ensure Nandi is saved from corrupt leaders and Cartels."
The leaders lauded effort by Antipus Tirop a front runner in the Gubernatorial race in the county for helping Comrades from Nandi County and also for having a sound plan for students.He has already promised to addressed Free University education,Accommodation challenges,Intership-Placement ,Employment Network  and Employent Bureau for comrades all which are currently being pushed for by the Nandi Students Organization but the current administration has been dismissing as not a priority.

Brian Kibet
