Nandi Students Organization members during a press conference.

Nandi Students Organization (N.S.O) led by their Secretary General Fricton Mandely (General Mandely) has issued a Press Statement on matters affecting students in Nandi County.The meeting that took place in Kapsabet addressed a number of issues but  mainly on Bursary awarded by the county government whereby they stated that the process is marred by massive corruption."We have a list of students who were awarded bursary at the ward level but their names were removed from the beneficiaries list at the county offices.Some students were awarded bursary but the money was never disbursed to their respective schools.This is an Insult to needy students who depend on bursary for their academics.Leaders who do not take education seriously are destroying the future of Nandi and the governor should come clean on this issue. "Mandely Said.The organisation also proposed the setting up of a county revolving fund like the national governments Helb for Nandi county students saying it will reduce dependency on Bursary and ensure that many students benefited as compared to Bursary.
Fricton Mandely and other leaders during a previous meeting.

General Mandely also called on students to get united as 2022 politics in the county gain momentum saying that by taking part in the political process actively , Students will be able to elect leaders who will ensure that students interest are given priority."We are going to launch a political movement by the name 'COMRADES FOR NANDI 2022' early next year, which we will use as a vehicle for drumming support for leaders that will ensure comrades interest are prioritized .We do not want to make the same mistake we did by electing the current regime.Comrades be ready because this time round hatutakubali kupangwa sisi ndo tunajipanga."
The leaders also lauded the efforts of Gubernatorial aspirant Antipus Tirop whom they said has been instrumental in helping out Comrades in the county ."Antipus Tirop is the only leader who has shown interest in helping the students of Nandi and we are grateful , we urge the other leaders to follow his example .2022 we will be voting in leaders who have shown the will to assist students."
N.S.O Press Conference 

On 29/12/2020 the leaders said that they will be holding a meeting in Kapsabet to discuss the way forward on the bursary issue and the proposals they are going to table in the county government."We are planning to hold a series of peaceful demonstration in Kapsabet and other major towns  in Nandi on the issue of bursary unless the county government takes action."

Written By : Brian Kipleting


